sell your houseSell a House Fast

Sell a House Fast

If you’re in a position where you need to get out of a property and you’re wondering how to sell a house fast, one thing is for sure: going with a realtor or broker is not the answer.

The absolute quickest way to get out of a property is to find a local cash buyer. Here are the four most important reasons why:

Cash buyers have CASH!

Seems like a no-brainer, but selling to buyers who need a mortgage will be extremely time-consuming. You have to go through denials, approvals, haggling, realtors, etc. and then you have to wait and wait and wait for closing.

No inspections.

Cash buyers will look through a property themselves, but they have enough knowledge and experience that you won’t need to go through an inspection process. They make their offer after looking at the property with their own eyes and that’s it.

No broker fees.

You won’t have to give up any percentage of the sell price to an agent, and you won’t have to wonder if their intentions are with you or with their own pockets.

FAST settlement.

Since cash buyers can pay for the property outright, they can close in as little as one week’s time, and can be very flexible around the condition of the house. I’ve purchased homes in the past FULL of people’s stuff that they did not want to take with them. It was no problem.  All I needed was a dumpster and a cleaning crew for the day and my buyers were already off with their check.

So there you have it, the answer to “how to sell a house fast” is to find a cash buyer! If you have any questions about the process or how it works, don’t hesitate to give us a call.



I thought the selling of my house was going to be a stressful situation. However, Nick proved me wrong. From the beginning of our first conversation, you explained who you were and how you conducted business. With your open line of communication, starting with the initial purchase agreement, to the final closing, he was true to his word. I would recommend Nick to anyone thinking of selling their home. —Thomas H.